2019 was a banner year for me both professionally and personally. When I look back at the year overall, I have a lot to be thankful for. I didn’t achieved everything I wanted, but I’m finding more peace regardless of what’s going on in my life. I’m learning to stop trying to force things as much as I did in my twenties, a practice that carried over into my thirties.
I think this to myself almost every year, and it’s usually true, but I really feel like 2019 set me up for more success in 2020. For all the victories I can claim, I still feel like I’m not even scratching the surface. My game face is on.
I started writing this post late – it’s currently 6.5 hours until 2020 is officially underway. I usually try to start writing 2-3 days in advance so I don’t neglect to include everything. But, alas.
Let’s take a look at my 2019 goals, the ones I wrote at the end of 2018 at least, and see how I measured up. I’ll grade my performance next to each goal.
- Daily meditation // D. I fell off the wagon, but I’m committed to getting this down.
- Improve eating habits // C+. I had some specific things that added some detail to this goal such as ‘meal prep on Sundays’ and ‘green smoothie on weekdays’, but I think the overall idea of being super conscious of what I put in my body and constant improvement was a concept that perpetuated – even when I failed at doing it.
- Weekly journaling // F. I just flat out failed this one. I struggle with keeping up with paper, and digital tools can be distracting. I’m committed to keeping at this, however.
- Sharing my ideas, thoughts, and etc. on my blog weekly – F. This stays on my mind, so I’ll keep at it. I will say that I’m more inclined to not put myself under so much pressure to deliver content for contents sake and on some arbitrary beat, but I do believe I have something to say. So, I’ll up the fight.
- Regular business writing on Linkedin // F. Same as above.
- Incorporating reading (not listening to) more Fiction books (physical/paper). Continue Audible for Non-Fiction and personal development books // B+. I didn’t do the paper reading as I indicated in the goal, but I got through a ton of books on Audible. Some philosophizers say listening to a book is just as good, so, I’ll go with that.
- See 3 concerts or other live music performances // A. I was really on my grind this year, so no major concerts. But, I saw my kids school shows, so I win.
- Get back to making music // Pass. I’m just not at a place in life to do this yet.
- Increase my passive income // Check.
- Payoff student loans // Progress made.
I think more than anything, the goals above just weren’t reflective of how my year turned out. And, that’s ok.
Let’s take a look at some of my 2019 accomplishments and other highlights:
Presented at the Black Is Tech conference in NYC with the homies Angelina Darrisaw and Alize Garcia

A screenshot from someone’s Instagram story of us on stage.
Started working on a BIG project. Coming soon!

In the lab, cooking with Jordan.
Was appointed by Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted to the InnovateOhio Executive Board where we’re working on everything from statewide broadband, cybersecurity, and making Ohio more entrepreneur friendly.

At our first InnovateOhio executive board meeting in Columbus, OH.
Was named Brand Manager for AfroTech.

Interviewing Charles Kuykendoll of Airbnb in the expo hall at AfroTech.

On stage with Capway founder Sheena Allen at AfroTech. Entrepreneur stage.
Hosted the first AfroTech ACCESS event in Chicago featuring a fireside chat with Blavity CEO Morgan DeBaun.

With Rendel Solomon, Lafayette Ford, and Jeff Osuji

Fireside chat with Morgan DeBaun, CEO at Blavity
Presented our first show on 419TOL, a cooking and conversation show, Where We Gather with Paula Ross.

Set of Where We Gather with Paula Ross
Interviewed the award winning Alex Wolf for AfroTech. Wrote about it.

In Brooklyn with Alex Wolf
Moved Creadio into a new HQ.

A corner of the new Creadio HQ, under renovation
Trophies! Won the Catalyst of the Year award from VentureOhio.

Catalyst of the Year award
Performed my fourth? university commencement as a trustee at The University of Toledo.

With actress Katie Holmes, who gave the commencement speech
Presented our sixth? TEDxToledo event.

With Molly and Sam, my TEDxToledo squad
Hosted the first 419TOL live event in Toledo featuring a fireside chat with Github CTO Jason Warner.

Fireside chat with Jason Warner, CTO at Github
For 2020, here’s where my focus will be:
- Regular workout regimen. 4 days per week minimum.
- If it doesn’t align to my 20 year plan, say no.
- Daily meditation.
- Drinking water.
- Launch the BIG project I referenced above.
- Increasing my content output via OF10podcast and my YouTube channel.
- Invest more in my teams.
Note: I copied and pasted the conclusion below from last years post. It’s still applicable, so why rewrite it?
There are other goals that include those in the financial, spiritual, and relationship spaces that I decided to keep to myself. This list encompasses about 70% of my all of my goals overall themes, so I’m a work in progress. I also have more detail in my personal journal regarding each in the list above and the ones I kept to myself. I always aim to keep my goals measurable and specific.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, or ideas on how I can accomplish these – or things I should consider adding. Please let me know!