It’s that time again to take a breath and reflect on the past year. As I write this, we’re about 30 hours away from welcoming in a new year.

Let’s start this out with a personal acknowledgment; drinking more water and blogging more are probably going to be on my list of goals every year – they’ve been two of the hardest items on my list to tackle. I still don’t feel 100% hydrated – more like 60-80% on a daily basis. I must do better, and I know it. Additionally, putting ideas out into the world via my blog is something I actually really enjoy doing, so why is it so hard? The discipline muscle in me to sit and write out complete thoughts is severely underdeveloped – puny even. I put out a lot of great videos this year which gave me the platform to share my thoughts, ideas, and advice for entrepreneurs and marketers, but physically writing out these same ideas is beneficial for my brain, I do it somewhat selfishly as it helps me clarify my positions on things and organize my thoughts. It’s an added personal benefit that is secondarily ‘great content’ for others.

For my 2018, I think a fair grade is B-. I have some ways to go still.

Let’s call this post a draft, as I’m still working through ideas to upgrade myself for 2019. I welcome any feedback you have on what to add or subtract, or tips on how I can accomplish my goals! Share your ideas in the comments!

Here was my post from this time last year.

First, here are the goals I set for myself at the start of 2018:

  1. Upgrade myself.
    • Better food (B+, I’m definitely more conscientious about what I eat. Now the task is about preparing more in advance for when I get too busy, and ultimately too hungry to make great choices about what to eat.)
    • More water (C, everyday struggle)
    • More self care (B-, the more you work out, the more massages are a must. And, I’m not getting any younger, so investing in my skincare is increasingly important. I did a decent job this year on these tho).
    • Meditate (C-, I could do better).
  2. More travel with Angela (A, we did a lot of travelling this year. Success!)
  3. Read a book a month/Listen with Audible and TLCPL Overdrive (A-, I listened to a ton of books this year).

Here’s a taste of some other 2018 accomplishments & highlights:

Completed my duties on Mayor Kapzukiewicz’s transition team.


Led the 50th Anniversary Celebration Event in remembrance of MLK’s death at the Ohio Statehouse


Got reappointed to the Ohio MLK Commission and reappointed as Chairman.


Co-hosted the Addy Awards with my guy Michael Seay


Joined Jerry Anderson on WTOL 11’s Leading Edge to talk about Black History Month


Was a guest on the first episode of the Bottle In Front of Me podcast with my friend Patrick Kenney


  • Featured on to discuss Classana
  • Joined the Board of Directors for an international plastics company

Celebrated the Queen ??winning 20 under 40


Opened a new HQ Downtown


Presented on the National Urban League 2018 national conference in Columbus, OH on the minority tech gap and how to solve it.


Hosted TEDxToledo #6


Attended AfroTech and took Angela with me this time.


Did a lot of travelling with the family


Started a new podcast where I finally get to share my own insights on helping people start and thrive in business. Subscribe to ‘Will Lucas On Business‘ wherever you get your podcasts

2018 Goals (Draft)

  • Daily meditation
  • Improve eating habits
    • Smoothie (preferably green) for breakfast on weekdays
    • Avoid fried foods at least 4 days per week
    • Meal prep on Sundays
    • Cook at home 3-4 nights per week and try new and experimental dishes
    • Drink more wata!
  • Weekly journaling (personal)
  • Sharing my ideas, thoughts, and etc. on my blog weekly
  • Regular business writing on Linkedin
  • Incorporating reading (not listening to) more Fiction books (physical/paper). Continue Audible for Non-Fiction and personal development books
  • See 3 concerts or other live music performances
  • Get back to making music (alongside business, it’s my strongest creative outlet)
  • Increase my passive income
  • Payoff student loans

There are other goals that include those in the financial, spiritual, and relationship spaces that I decided to keep to myself. This list encompasses about 70% of my all of my goals overall themes, so I’m a work in progress. I also have more detail in my personal journal regarding each in the list above and the ones I kept to myself. I always aim to keep my goals measurable and specific.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, or ideas on how I can accomplish these – or things I should consider adding. Please let me know!

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