“Investors are paid everyday to wake up and find good investments, to find that growth. If you’re doing a good job, and you’re delivering growth, and you’re talking about it, investors by their definition need to go find you. That’s when you have leverage. When investors are trying to talk to you, you have leverage. When you’re trying to talk to investors, you don’t.” Michael Seibel

Michael Seibel is one of the most successful minorities in the history of Silicon Valley. He doesn’t tweet a lot or do a bunch of interviews, but his resume carries more weight than many others who might tweet 30x a day.

Co-founder at Justin.TV which boasted over 40 million unique visitors per month. The site rebranded as Twitch in early 2014, and sold to Amazon for close to a billion dollars.

Michael became a partner at Y Combinator, perhaps the most prestigious accelerator for startups in the world, in late 2014. He makes it his personal mission to recruit minority founders around the globe to apply.

Michael on Twitter

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